Bridgeswap On-chain game


Bridgeswap is crossing over Defi on Web 3.0 from customary money in a decentralized way to make a fair worldwide economy that is supportable, open, and local area driven DAO.

BridgeSwap Trade: Instantly trade crypto tokens: no enlistment or record required.

BridgeSwap Farms: Provide liquidity to acquire $BRIS, with higher APR.

BridgeSwap Pools: Stake tokens, acquire automated revenue with crypto.

BridgeSwap Defi 2.0 Zap: Swap LPs to get limited BRIS tokens.

BridgeSwap Lottery: Provably fair, On-chain game. Win enormous !!!

BridgeSwap Referral Program: Share your outside reference, welcome your companion and acquire 10% of their yields FOREVER!

Mission and Vision

Mission: BridgeSwap's main goal is to give a decentralized monetary open doors internationally through help , security, and straightforwardness.

Vision: To connect Defi on Web 3.0 from conventional money in decentralized way to make a fair worldwide economy which is reasonable, open and local area driven DAO.


Confirmation: We make apparatuses for clients to use defi valuable open doors with practically no restriction on areas, foundation or in any case the experience and abundance.

Straightforwardness: Community driven administration processes that guarantee our clients comprehend our aggregate objectives and our open-source creating by means of Github.

Security: Our most elevated need is wellbeing for our client's asset and local area.

"Our colleague focused on encouraging our main goal and vision for the eventual fate of decentralized finance."

Why BridgeSwap?

We are a group of experienced programming designers and item directors that need to add to the DeFi crypto space development and take it to a higher level.


Dissimilar to incorporated trades, BridgeSwap doesn't hold your assets when you exchange: you have 100 percent responsibility for assets, and you can exchange straightforwardly from your wallet.

BridgeSwap will offer genuine benefit, reasonableness, and advancement to decentralized finance through our excellent items and administrations


BridgeSwap Trade: Instantly trade crypto tokens: no enlistment or record required.

BridgeSwap is an Automated Market Maker (AMM) trade that offers a few highlights that help decentralized exchanging;

1. Exchange: BridgeSwap allows clients to exchange without the need to go through a Centralized Exchange. All that you do on BridgeSwap is steered straightforwardly through your own wallet - don't bother confiding in another person with your coins!

2. Liquidity Pools When you add your token to a Liquidity Pool you will get Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens and offer in the charges.

Giving liquidity will get you LP Tokens, which will acquire you compensations through exchanging charges for ensuring there's generally liquidity for the trade to utilize.

Token Trade

Token Trade on BridgeSwap are a basic method for exchanging one BEP-20 token for another BEP-20 by means of robotized liquidity pools.

At the point when you make a symbolic trade (exchange) on the trade you will pay a 0.3% exchanging expense, which is separated as follows:

0.25% - Returned to Liquidity Pools as a charge compensation for liquidity suppliers.

0.005% - Sent towards BRIS buyback and consume.

0.01% - Sent to the Insurance Emergency Funds Wallet.

0.035% - Sent to BridgeSwap Treasury.


Token Name : BridgeSwap

Token Symbol : BRIS

Contract Address:

Chain : BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)

Procure $BRIS tokens from Farms and Pools, walk away with it in the sweepstakes, or [buy it on the exchange](, then, at that point, investigate its Use Cases:

Stake it in Pools to procure free crypto tokens .

Use it in Yield Farms to acquire more BRIS .

Purchase Lottery tickets in The BridgeSwap Lottery .

Vote on proposition connecting with the BRIS DAO Governance

Yet, that is not all - there's substantially more Use cases to come for BRIS holders later on !

Starting Supply : 2,200,000

Starting Allocation

half Burn Mechanism ~ We have sent half of the underlying complete inventory tokens to the Dead location, this has been finished to diminish the underlying stockpile that was intended to be delivered into the flow and furthermore have low Market Cap at Launch🚀

18% Crowdsale ~ 40% at TGE 10% opened straightly in a half year.

5% Team ~ 3 years Cliff and 5% month to month for a long time.

10% Liquidity ~ Locked for a long time.

7% Marketing ~ will be utilized for association with environmental development, including showcasing, special exercises, 90 days Cliff and 10% opened directly in 10 months.

10% Defi 2.0 Zap Event ~ 30% opened straightly in 2 years.


Q1 2022

BridgeSwap Mainnet DEX Development

Ranches and Pools Development.

Defi 2.0 Zap Development.

BRIS Vault Development (Auto-Compounding BRIS Pool )

Lottery Development (Deflationary Mechanism) : The lottery isn't just an opportunity for you to win more BRIS token yet additionally a consuming system for us to keep the worth of the symbolic stable.

Reference Program Development

Q2 2022

Contact Information

Author: DUKI999

Bitcointalk profile:;u=2860374

BSC Wallet: 0xb897333c5AAb8a62671148b46Cb66C036475cf05


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