I need to reveal to you first with regards to Cryptoqurrency or Blockchain Technology. Digital currency was initially known as an installment framework that permits individuals to have the option to make exchanges rapidly, without outsiders, straightforwardly, safely, and secretly. Satoshi who is the maker of Bitcoin, makes Bitcoin beat the brought together monetary situation that is inclined to control and constrained by one party. With the development and advancement of the Crypto or blockchain environment, various elective venture alternatives have arisen, and have demonstrated to be more proficient and beneficial speculation apparatuses than conventional monetary returns. Imaginative activities are reliably arising in the crypto business with exceptional yield speculations and consistent patterns, for example, KOINOMO is one of the tasks that will draw in enormous market ventures. Along these lines, don't squander this amazing chance.

About Koinomo? 

most importantly I need to present first what is konomo? Indeed, Koinomo is an interesting task that spotlights on Asset Management frameworks, project straightforwardness, solid, safe and local area driven biological systems. Koinomo is additionally a Decentralized task constructed utilizing the BinanceSmartChain stage (BEP-20). The presence of the Koinomo project has an undeniable vision and mission, one of which is to construct a decentralized Crypto showcase or upset blockchain innovation for the future time. 

then again, the Koinomo Project has authoritatively dispatched their coin with the name (KMO) you can see the coin of this venture at this connection : https://bscscan.com/token/0xfacae4b7e602d6b54a26d4d5b5a6c47661c00e79 

Privat Slae is Live: 

Rush to BUY $KMO Token at $0.15 https://Koinomo.finance 

Start ~ Sept 9, 2021 (9:00AM GMT) 

Number of tokens available to be purchased : 4,000,000 KMO (40%) 

End ~ Sept 16, 2021 (11:00PM GMT) 

Token Presale cost : 1 BNB = 2100 KMO 

Adequate monetary forms : BNB 

Negligible exchange sum : 0.3 BNB 

In this way, the KOINOMO Token or token (KMO) is a coin constructed utilizing the BEP-20 stage. as we realize that the current ERC-20 stage has significant issues in exchange charges. numerous financial backers or dealers right now decide to move to the BEP-20 stage with exceptionally low exchange charges. Consequently, the Koinomo Project comes on schedule and makes it simple for financial backers and the local area, one of which is a genuine project and can decrease your exchange costs. KOINOMO spurs this stockpile and interest until further notice, determined to develop the symbolic economy. 

What are the arrangements advertised? 

KONOMO gives numerous business openings in this computerized time, over the long run will KOINOMO make large market progress? Why would that be? That is on the grounds that KOINOMO offers numerous inactive advantages for its financial backers. this is done to the greatest advantage of the venture just as its financial backers and don't be astonished in the event that you find sooner rather than later that this undertaking will draw in enormous market speculations and be recorded on the top trades. in the event that you join the KOINOMO project, you are now an authority part of the vision of a more steady and feasible worldwide economy. Numerous blockchain devotees anticipate when blockchain is utilized as a regular installment technique. Notwithstanding, the current money related framework in which monetary standards are continually depreciated to keep obligated organizations from coming up short is blocking monetary development.

Components Koinomo 

~Zero withdrawal Fees or No secret expenses: 

Koinomo doesn't charge any withdrawals expenses beside the 8:2 benefit split (BTC financial backers) and 9:1 proportion benefit split($KMO financial backers). 

~Decentralized Bitcoin Wallet: 

To make a record with Koinomo, you just need to make your own bitcoin wallet utilizing a 12 key irregular seed key which connects your record to your PC and is upheld by a 8 - 21 keys secret phrase. 

~Monthly FUND Performance of KOINOMO: 

Toward the finish of every month, Koinomo is obliged to distribute reserve file execution which shows day by day exchange exercises and benefit/misfortune for each exchanging day. 

~Full Protective Security: 

Koinomo has taken a few measures to guarantee a protected biological system for financial backer's Funds by utilizing a Cold stockpiling wallet to store the Digital Assets of financial backers in authority. 

~One-click pulls out: 

Financial backers are not attached to any time period for their speculation which implies they can pull out whenever of the day from Koinomo FUND to their Koinomo wallet. 

~24/7 Online Support: 

Koinomo will give nonstop Live Chat on the site and Telegram people group for financial backers if there should be an occurrence of any help required in regards to their Investments with Koinomo. 

I for one am likewise extremely hopeful that Token (KMO) can overwhelm different monetary forms and will drive a ton of market reception. KOINOMO's market interest framework gives an approach to make this future a reality. since COVID-19 arose Countries on the planet are confronting a monetary emergency, a critical decrease and many organizations have left business since they don't have every day pay. hence this venture is available at the perfect opportunity, with all offers or demands then you will end up being a fruitful financial backer and improve your way of life. I energetically prescribe for anybody to promptly join and be a piece of this incredible undertaking. 


Token Name: Koinomo 

Token Symbol: KMO 

Organization: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20) 

Absolute Supply: 10,000,000 KMO

How to Buy $KMO Token

To participate in our private sales in buying $KMO tokens

  1. visit koinomo.finance, register and create an account
  2. login to your Dashboard,
  3. Select Buy Token Now
  4. input amount of $KMO you want to buy equivalent to BNB
  5. Proceed to payments, send BNB to our provided BNB wallet address
  6. Download Trust wallet or Metamask if you don’t have any
  7. Send your Binance Coin (BNB) to your Trust or METAMASK wallet
  8. Send BNB to our provided BNB address provided on your payment page.
  9. Wait for approval.


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